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Incontinence exercises are a natural way to relieve urinary incontinence.
Incontinence Exercises naturally helps build a strong pelvic floor lifting and supporting the bladder.
Pelvic floor and core muscles interrelate, so combining kegel and core exercise builds the muscles strength around the pelvic floor in a shorter time, stopping urinary incontinence leakage quicker.
Weak pelvic floor muscles can not hold the pee in the bladder and therefore it leaks out. The pelvic floor muscles are part of the foundation of our body’s core. These muscles help to stabilize and keep the pelvic floor lifted and strong supporting the organs of the lower abdominal cavity, like the bladder and uterus.
When the pelvic floor muscles are weak or damaged, sagging, the integrity of the openings of the urethra, vagina, and anus can be compromised causing lack of bladder control and peeing.
The pelvic floor muscles interrelate with the core muscles group, the deep muscles of the back, sides, hips, butt and abdomen.
As we age this group of interrelated core muscles, tendons and ligament become weak and this action can lead to more than just urinary incontinence, it can also cause the organs to drop into the pelvic floor causing a prolapsed uterus or bladder.
Maintaining a strong pelvic floor and/or building this muscles group back up keeps the bladder from falling, and incontinence exercises are a great way to do this.
The best incontinence exercises are pelvic and core strengthening exercises combined together. Planking exercises strengthen the deep muscle group of the body’s core, where as crunches and sits ups do not.
There are many great benefits to keeping this group of
muscles strong with planking exercises and Women'sHealth.com has a list of 30 Plank Variations that you can try.
Core muscles not only help keep our balance, agility, a tight flat stomach, curvy sides, and lifted internal organs, but they also help reduce back pain.
When the pelvic floor muscles become weak and stops working in concert with the core muscles of the abdomen, sides, hips, butt and back, structural imbalances occurs leading to abdominal and back pain, as well as erectile dysfunction in men and sexual dysfunction in women, among other health problems.
First, you must be certain you are using your kegel muscles, otherwise your efforts will be fruitless. To find your kegel muscles stop the flow of your urine a few times these are your kegel muscles.
Do not use this method to practice kegel muscle exercises as
the constant stopping and flowing of urine can weaken the pelvic floor instead
of strengthening it. You can do these exercise while sitting, standing or laying down anytime, anywhere and many times per day.
Both exercises: core strengthening and kegel exercises can be done together helping to maintain and build up a strong pelvic floor to stop the bladder from leaking.
Pelvic floor training with Kegel weights, Ben Wa balls or Kegel balls. Kegel weights products work well
for focused pelvic floor strengthening and are very convenient.
Ordinary kegel exercises work just fine, as do many core exercises. However, kegel weights focus on kegel muscles. They provide an alternative to those that can not do kegel or core exercises or just want the convenience of the kegel weights.
You can use kegle weights to strengthen the pelvic floor in one of two ways after you insert the weights into the vagina:
If you opt for the Ben Wa Balls they should not be used during pregnancy or while recovering from childbirth.
Make sure to avoid porous materials to lessen risk of infection. And make sure you clean your weights after every use.
Quitting smoking - Smoking for most can lead to a chronic
cough and this puts excessive strain on the pelvic floor muscles. If you find it hard to quit smoking, this article might be able to help.
Losing weight - The excess body weight from fat puts undo
pressure on the pelvic floor muscles. If you want a convenient and healthy way to help you lose weight check out dieting made easy.
Remember, when exercising be sure to drink plenty of fresh clean healthy water. And wearing shock absorbing shoes helps to relieve the stress and pressure impacts from the joints and muscles.
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